
no longer是什么意思_翻译中文_怎么读

no longer

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na.1网站屏蔽ed when something happened or was true in the past but is not true now

1.不再 no less than 不少于...;不亚于... no longer 不再 no more 不再 ...

2.已不 even though 即使;纵然;尽管 no longer 不再;已不 take pride in 对……感到自豪 ...

3.再也 lonely 孤独的 no longer 再也不 not…any longer 再也不 ...

5.不复 lose weight 减肥,减轻体重 no longer 不再,已不,不复,再也不 main course 主帆,主要 …

6.不在 the same....as.... 和.....同样的..... no longer 不在 break into 强行闯入 ...

7.不再,已不 next to 紧靠„„的旁边;贴近 182. no longer 不再,已不 183. not at all 根本不,全然不 185. ...

8.不复存在失踪的是,糊口请安不复存在(No longer)。忙碌是一种幸福,让我们没时间体会痛苦;奔波是一种快乐,让我们真实地感受生活; …


1.Yeltsin faced up to the fact that he was no longer fit for the Russian presidency and resigned on New Year's Eve.叶利钦勇敢地接受了他不再适合做俄罗斯总统的这一现实并于新年前夜辞职了。

2.Men in turn have felt threatened by the emerging Amazon women who no longer seem to need them and they may slip into a form of complacency.随着亚马逊女人(她们看似不再需要男性)的出现,男性受到的威胁感与越来越强,长此以往他们将沦落成鸡肋。

3.The children can get better medical care and education is no longer limited to a small number of people exclusively.孩子们可以得到更好的医疗保健,而且教育已不再是为有限的少数人所专有的了。

4.Although it is no longer used for everyday speech in the world today, it is the official language of the Roman Catholic Church.虽然世界各地再不用它作日常应用,它仍是罗马天主教的官式语文。

5.Moving the name resolution up into the cluster means routing is no longer tied to the physical network connectivity.将名称解析向上移动到集群意味着路由不再与物理网络连接绑定在一起。

6.The party was no longer able to command a majority in Parliament.该党已不再能够在国会中占有多数。

7.Compounding matters, the industry will no longer be able to rely on a rising population of new "wealth accumulators" to take up the slack.更为严重的是,基金管理业将再也无法依赖不断增加的新“财富积累者”来填补亏空。

8.The forces are much better than they were a few years ago; buckling under pressure is no longer a certainty.这些部队比几年前进步许多;在压力下不再那么容易屈服。

9.Doctors told him he was no longer infectious and that he might be discharged from the hospital in only a few months.医生告诉他,他不再具有传染性,几个月后他就可以出院。

10.During the lifetime of a digital certificate, the issuing CA might determine that the certificate is no longer to be trusted.在一张数字证书的生命期中,正在签发的CA可能会决定该证书不再可信。